
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Mardi Gras!

Happy Mardi Gras!!

Mm mmmm, King Cake!
Happy Fat Tuesday everyone!! The only thing I will be doing to enjoy Fat Tuesday will be eating a few bites slices of that King Cake since loads of yummy, and most likely unhealthy foods, are not really conducive to my running now that I'm getting into higher mileages. Lots King Cake and other indulgences = baaaad 5 mile run tonight. Boo.

But, since today is Fat Tuesday, tomorrow is Ash Wednesday for all of us Catholic-folk out there. I've never really been that good about my Lenten promises, but maybe I'll think of something good that I can stick with this year . . .

I could give up fast food? Devote an hour a day to reading non-school work? Less TV? I could try giving up french fries, again? (the first time I gave up french fries I ended up getting a kidney stone in the middle of Lent, and so of course I had to have french fries to make me feel better!) I could make sure I "sweat" (exercise) every day? Anyway, decisions, decisions . . .

Any ideas?


  1. for some reason I am just getting to this post! sorry!

    my lenten promises are no soda (which is proving harder than I thought. I'm CRAVING it. bad.); no playing on my phone in the car (total fail. I reach for it at every stoplight without even thinking.); and 'training' for a 5k on May 1st.

    now, I know I shouldn't have to train to be able to run 3.1 miles. but I suck. seriously. and with a broken car this week and working long hours, I haven't had a lot of spare time to run. have a feeling this is going to be an EPIC FAIL.

  2. 1) I have not drank soda since Thanksgiving, and I'm fine, so you'll make it!
    2) Can't help you on the phone thing ;)
    3)You'll do great on the 5k! Yay!!

    And, a broken car?! We do need to catch up!


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